Inspired by a wide range of cultural, political, and economic fields that seek to predict, analyze, and manage the future, Mexican artist Gabriel Kuri’s practice approaches sculpture as a potential reflection of the relationships between the rational and affective realms. Simultaneously employing formal and poetic juxtapositions of quotidian materials, images and hybrid objects, Kuri delves into the interstices of contemporary culture where behavior and speculative ideas interact to forge our understanding of often contradictory values of our time. The future manifests in his practice as a deferral of the present rather than imagination of what is to come. By rethinking the mundane and the systems that order, the artist opens up the potential for transformation inherent in familiar situations when observed from unconventional angle.
Published to accompany the Museo Jumex exhibition Gabriel Kuri: Forecast, this publication explores these latent themes in new critical and creative essays by the exhibition’s curator, Kit Hammonds, and Mexican writer, Gabriela Jauregui, in both English and Spanish. The texts sit in parallel with documentation of the artist’s work compiled as a visual essay in collaboration with the publication’s designer Sara De Bondt.