The first exhibition in Mexico of the artist and activist Gustav Metzger (Germany, 1926 – England, 2017) We must become idealists or die at Museo Jumex presented works ranging from 1959 to some activations of 2015. The exhibition catalogue includes important texts written by the artist, along with a series of essays by Daniela Pérez, Andrew Wilson, Samuel Dangel and Sören Schmeling, as well as an interview with Gustav Metzger, who put into context the work of this artist concerned to combat social problems as inequality, nuclear weapons and pollution of the environment.
The catalogue compiles in four sections archival material, photographs and texts in order to know in depth the contribution of Metzger to the critical thinking from the art for the social change. Among the key pieces within his artistic production are the manifestos that Metzger developed from 1959 to 1966, the Destruction in Art Symposium of 1966, and his public call Three Years Without Art 1977-1980.