Iñaki Bonillas
Todas las fotografías verticales del Archivo J. R. Plaza, documentadas fotográficamente, [All the Vertical Photographs of the J. R. Plaza Archive, Photographically Documented], 2004
Iñaki Bonillas (1981)
Todas las fotografías verticales del Archivo J. R. Plaza, documentadas fotográficamente, [All the Vertical Photographs of the J. R. Plaza Archive, Photographically Documented], 2004
Color and black and white photographs
2.77 x 23.82 m, overall
Iñaki Bonillas investigates the materiality and semiotic depth of photography by employing his grandfather’s photo archive as source material. After inheriting a collection of nearly three thousand images grouped into thirty albums, eight hundred slides, two film encyclopedias and various documents—which the artist dubbed the J.R. Plaza Archive—Bonillas selected 990 portraits of his grandfather and other family members. Together these act as a personal archive chronicling a family history and also turn portraiture into a visual repertoire of the larger developments in photography.