Abraham Cruzvillegas
Hanging/pending, contradictory, unstable and gentrified self portrait, smelling like malt, stuck in the traffic jam, needing to take a shit since a while ago, listening to Martha Debayle, the next day having read ‘Campo de guerra’ by Sergio González Rodríguez, attempting to escape from the mystics of efficiency and competitiveness, with no signal on my cellphone, and dreaming about devouring a juicy papaya following the beat of ‘Demolición’ by Los Saicos, 2014
Wooden beams, iron elements, rebar, used bricks and stones, tin sheets, organic elements Variable dimensions
Variable dimensions
The notion of autoconstrucción or self–building drives the practice of Abraham Cruzvillegas and has reached nearly mythical proportions. His large and frail installations involve the suspension of various elements, mostly recycled or recuperated from building sites and domestic surroundings. This work features wooden supports, metal containers and construction carts that balance each other out, while its title ingeniously references what the artist takes from popular and consumer culture. Two musicians, a violin and a jarana -a small guitar with 8 strings- complete the work.