The temporal arc in which General Idea consistently developed their practice (1969-1994), as well as their themes and problems, corresponds to a time when media theory, visual and gender studies questioned the mechanisms, supports and strategies of representation.
This seminar offers a revision of projects by General Idea from these critical perspectives through readings and discussions with guest instructors. Parallel to the studio sessions, and with the aim of updating the challenges posed by the collective through their interventions, the group will develop proposals that will be presented in a performative lecture format during a final session entitled “General Idea Evening”.
11.JAN. Visit to the exhibition, readings handed out. Media studies explained in context.
14.JAN. Guest. Current state of visual studies and text discussion on the relation between visuality and power.
18.JAN. Activities session with the museum’s Education team.
21.JAN. Gender perspective and performativity.
25.JAN. Strategies of deviation of images, Situationism, General Idea and contemporary image.
28.JAN. Collaborative work session for the final presentation. The group was commissioned to produce a song about topics related with the role of contemporary media. Guest: Sonido Psicotropical.
04.FEB. “General Idea Evening”