Ceal Floyer
Ink on Paper, 1999
Ceal Floyer (1968)
Ink on Paper, 1999
Ink (felt pen) on blotting paper
Ceal Floyer uses simple, readily available materials like paper, marker pens, and tape to create art as part of a generation of artists who emerged in the United Kingdom during the 1990s, in contrast to the Young British Artists. The simple processes and forms in her works often carry an ironic emotional resonance. In this piece, Floyer held a marker pen to paper without moving her hand. The ink slowly expanding into a large blot. While adopting the logic of time-based performance from art history, the futile use of office supplies opens up other interpretations. These include reflections on the value of labor, the nature of bureaucracy and boredom, and perhaps the artist’s block while waiting for creative inspiration.